Tuesday, 14 October 2008

15 - 17 September - Ben Alder Trip

This was to be the last big walk before the ML assessment. Weather couldn't have been better for practising navigation in adverse weather. We arrived the day the work party had finished a weekend of maintenance so the bothy was in fine condition and we were glad not to have to pitch tents as we arrived in pouring rain and nearly dark. The company was in the form of my dad and wee sister who were also willing (and trusting) guinnea pigs for my belays.

13&14 Sep - Great Glen Challenge

I can't claim this one for myself as my role this weekend was van driver, tea maker and soup warmer. The picture shows the team looking fresh and clean after cycling 100m of the 80 mile journey. 2 days later and they were not so fresh or clean but proud at having completed the journey which is a great weekend challenge.

Monday, 13 October 2008

20 & 21 August - Aonach Eagach

Team Challenge - The Outdoor Ed team head off for a bit of (rest and relaxation) after a busy summer season.

14 & 15 August - Monadh Liadh Mountains

Ally and Ali doing an impression of drowned rats during Ali's ML shakedown trip in August. On top of the summit of Carn Dearg.