Friday, 5 June 2009

Admin Team Development

An advantage of working outdoors is that development and training usually take place outdoors as well - a kind of double bonus. Not true for the office based admin team who do a brilliant job of making sure outdoor learning takes place in a professional and organised way but are often stuck inside (instructors are great at instructing but not always top of the pops with paperwork). To cut a long story short we had a great day out on Loch Faskally - The team meeting took place on rafted canoes, lunch under a tarp on the beach and a very sedate paddle up and down the Loch.

1 comment:

Juliet Robertson said...

Hi Ali

I bet the overall result was more positive and productive than an indoor meeting. I'm all for "netwalking" rather than networking and "mobile meetings" should be mandatory. After all if big decisions are purportedly made on golf courses then all this fresh air and exercise could help the masses too!

Interestingly, have you ever noticed the level of conversation between participants on an outdoor course always increases after an outdoor activity?
Hmm. I'm sure there a thesis in there somewhere!

Thanks for some great postings.